They looked at the plots systematically, noting any departures from proper use (no cash crops, trellises shading a neighbor's land) good appearance, ( no weed growth) and other common sense items. Gardeners would then be notified of any conditions needing attention, for the good of the appearance for all.
RULES & REGULATIONS 2014 Rev. 5/20/2014
ELIGIBILITY for a GARDEN: You must be a resident of Teaneck to obtain a garden plot. There is an annual, in-person, plot registration in which you must present proof of residency. Required: one (1) photo I.D. and one (1) of the following forms of I.D.:
a valid NJ Driver's License, mortgage statement, credit card or bank statement, or a utility bill.
TOWNSHIP ASSIGNMENT of GARDEN PLOT: The plot assigned to you must be worked by you or a member of the family residing at the same address (the address will be the one you note on your application.) Your plot must not be enlarged nor the plot boundaries altered. The Township will perform periodic monitoring of the gardens and reserves the right to remove participant privileges or reassign a plot as a result of a violation of these rules. The Township establishes and maintains a waiting list for plots to be reassigned.
1. Your plot must be cleared and prepared for planting by May 15th of each year. Then, your plot must be sufficiently planted by June 15th of each year (at least 50 %.) Your garden plot must be cleared no later than December 1st of each year. All dead vegetation needs to be removed from plots and all stakes shall be taken down and stacked neatly on the plot.
2. The Community Garden plots are intended for growing vegetables. You may, however, plant beneficial insect-attracting flowers in the plot, not to exceed 10% of the plot. Gardeners of plots 1 thru 7 may plant "beneficials" at the edge of the plot facing south, towards the fence to no more than 3 feet from the fence. (This area is the pathway.)
3. The Township reserves the right to restrict planting of invasive species, such as bamboo, etc.
4. You must keep your plot free of weed overgrowth and maintain plantings within the designated plot. You are not to allow plants to go beyond your own plot.
5. Plant growth or any other items are prohibited on Township fencing.
6. Use of toxic chemicals, insecticides, or herbicides is discouraged in the garden.
7 Fences in the garden or surrounding a garden are not allowed. No interior or exterior fencing is permitted.
8. If you want to construct a horizontal or vertical trellis for your vegetables, it must be located in your plot so as not to impinge on your neighbor’s sunlight. Vertical trellises shall not exceed 5'.
9. Paths on all sides of your plot must be maintained by plot holders and need to be kept free of weeds (see attached map.) Only woodchips provided by the Township shall be placed on the paths.
10. All debris (vegetative waste, weeds, soil etc.) must be deposited in the designated composting area labeled “GARDEN DEBRIS”, adjacent to the Township dumpster. Trash, such as old wood, metal, etc. must be placed in the dumpster. The dumpster must not be used to dispose of any other trash, such as household garbage or rubbish.
11. Only non–treated lumber (boards) is allowed inside your plot boundaries.
12. Nothing is to be attached to the 6” x 6” landscape timbers that mark off your plot.
THE COMMUNITY GARDEN COMMITTEE has been established for the Community Gardens by the Township of Teaneck. This Committee periodically monitors the gardens and corresponds with the Township on concerns raised by the Community Gardeners. The Committee also helps Community Gardeners participate in donations to local food pantries and celebrate local gardening events, both with the Garden Club of Teaneck.
Teaneck Community Gardens Committee 5/20/2014
Rev: 4/3/2012
"From people that I have spoken to, it seems that the current community gardens site as of 1973 was the town storage area for huge mounds of wood chips. There were also a number of large trees. Over
time there were numerous complaints from neighbors about the odor and steam coming off the wood chips which led to frequent visits from the fire department. In order for the town to qualify for “Green Acres funding” the town had to remove the wood chips, which they did in the late 1970s.
Afterward, the town created a few plots in the front and later removed some trees and expanded the area for additional plots. Rumor has it that the town's first priority for use of the gardens was for senior citizens. Since that there were an insufficient number of senior citizens interested in gardening the town opened it up to all Teaneck residents.
Unfortunately, the gardeners did not take proper care of their gardens. One person brought smelly fish, meat and other rotten items into the plots that created more problems for the neighbors. I had received my plot and worked it for about 1 year. One day I went to my garden in 1984 and found that the entire area had been cleared by the town without any warning to the plot holders.
In December 1984, Carol Dolch & Bernice Smith (Members of the Teaneck Garden Club) and myself (on behalf of the Community Gardens) met with Milton Robbins Township Engineer, regarding the Community Gardens. The meeting had two major purposes. One, to develop insights into how to improve the appearance of the Community Gardens and two, to develop rules & regulations for the Community Garden plot holders to follow. The three of us developed the first set of rules, which was approved by Milton Robbins.
Although I know of nothing officially in writing, the unofficial town rule for keeping a plot from year to year since 1983 has been that if the plot holder abides by the town's rules he/she can keep the same plot every year by annually certifying with the town that they will be working the plot themselves and/or by a member of their family residing at their residence.
For several years the plot holders had an excellent record of keeping to the rules as the plot monitors had a major monitoring role. Monitors interviewed residents seeking a plot and laid out the ground rules and expectations. If the resident agreed, a plot was assigned. If the plot holder failed to abide by the rules, given a short time frame to make the corrections, the plot was immediately taken away from them by the town. However, this success was short lived as the engineering department took back all of their controls without notice.
Since that time the Community Garden Area has progressively gotten worse; it is an eye sore because a large number of plot holders routinely violate the rules. For a number of reasons, the town has been unable to enforce the rules until now.
There have been other town managers who have seen the garden problems; expressed a desire to clean up the gardens, but Mr. Broughton is the first town manager who is doing something about the problems. He has established a 11 member committee 7 of which are plot holders and monitors. We are extremely happy to have someone of Mr. Broughton's stature in Teaneck that is willing to help us achieve something that he, the town; the neighbors and we gardeners want."
---Don Wassum, Community Gardens Gardener