Thursday, May 28, 2015

Summer Garden Tours

Des Gardens, Brooklyn Botanic

Here are my top ten with one-way travel time:

 1.Kykuit  ---worth many trips, I have gone twice. 
Rockefeller collected sculpture, it is all over the outdoors. 1 hour plus

 2. NYBG herbs are now arriving, let's do what we tried, there is no snow 
   About 1/2 hour to 40 minutes in good traffic

 3.Well Sweep---Now over 1,900 species, well worth it and you can buy some. 
  ---Bring picnic Rt 80 West 1 hour plus a few minutes 

4.Des Gardens, Brooklyn Botanic---herbs a' plenty as well as a Shakespeare plant garden, including the herbs in his time. Travel time varies with driver and route.

5. Cloisters

6.And the best: Grounds for Sculpture---beautiful gardens, beautiful and unusual sculpture---Hamilton, NJ, Turnpike trip 1.25 hours''7,


