Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Figs Again

Time for thinking about figs again! Overwintering them, starting cuttings, rooting twigs in numerous ways. Last year, my figs did not root. I had ten cuttings, in the soil recommended by Bill Muzinsky, with root hormone on the calloused tips, shielded by plastic from dryness---and they rotted.

The varieties used were: Mezzalina, Nero, Stella and the Brown T
urkey Fig. I had the Brown Turkey from two years ago---the others I bought in Nov. 2009 from Bill.
So armed with the knowledge of what did NOT work is a plan: use three varieties of rooting. Cuttings in soil, cuttings in a bag and cuttings in water.

I am using all four varieties, but being very careful about moisture. The California literature said to have the soil almost dry before watering again. I'll have to see how that plays out.

Some of the literature on this is at the links listed below:

Figs Tutorial: From Twigs to Figs: http://www.figs4fun.com/basics.html
http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/fig.html ---(12 inch cuttings)


CRFG Fruit Facts http://crfg.org/pubs/ff/fig.html and
CRFG Fig Specialist

Friends of Figs http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FriendsoftheFigSociety/