Friday, July 15, 2011

Recipe: Lemon-Basil Drink

This recipe from Marty Steeil, and was used at the Herbal Iced Tea Workshop. This is perfect for today, which is blistering hot, up to 100 degrees and more.
Perhaps a section on Herbed Iced Beverages will show up here in August.This is the first, albeat it in July:

Marty's words: "I made the lemonade with a very simple recipe:

a. Buy a 2 liter bottle of lemonade
b. Put a half ounce of basil into a blender and half the lemonade
c. Blend on high for 1 minute and pour into a container
d. Repeat with the rest of the lemonade and another half ounce of basil. Pour the rest into the container.
e. Put the container into the frig and everytime you open the frig for the next 24 hours shake the container
f. After 24 hours strain the mixture through cheese cloth or a very small holed strainer (get out all the green).

It is best served ice cold. It tastes great alone. It also makes a great base for adult drinks.

The next Herb Workshop will be in late August or early September, stay tuned for the exact date. It will be on on Harvesting and Preserving Herbs. The time is 9:30 to 11:30 AM on the Greenhouse Lawn, at the end of Lindbergh Blvd. We are going to feature a tour of Greenhouse Gardens, with gardners there to discuss their practice. The demonstrations of herb preserving methods will be centered on herbs for That Summer Taste All Year Long.

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