Sunday, July 16, 2017

Site News: Hackensack River Greenway and article about Mary Topolsky

Site News: Hackensack River Greenway

Come to the Hackensack River Greenway in Teaneck, see the
native plants--and let the Hackensack River go by.  You will understand the enthusiasm of the Friends of the Hackensack Greenway, an organization which develops and maintains
walking trails here.

The Mary S. Topolsky Garden and Trail at 640 River Road is a new part of the Greenway. Mary was instrumental in Teaneck’s purchase of the land, and planned the trail with ADA-wheelchair accessibility in mind. The trail, now a reality, is paved with small stones, and winds around the incline, so those using wheelchairs can go to the river. Planting of the Garden and Trail in 2016-17 included fragrant native flowers and plants, such as Joe Pye
Weed and Bergamot, as well a butterfly garden.  

Master Gardeners are needed to volunteer their expertise in invasive plant identification and control, water edge planting, native plant propagation and trail maintenance. If you would like volunteer experiences on this site, contact Richard Karp,  

An article about Mary's design of the Library Garden Space with the Garden Club of Teaneck 

Come to the Hackensack River Greenway in Teaneck, see the
native plants--and let the Hackensack River go by.  You will understand the enthusiasm of the Friends
of the Hackensack Greenway, an organization which develops and maintains
walking trails here.

The Mary S. Topolsky Garden and Trail at 640 River Road
is a new part of the Greenway. Mary was instrumental in Teaneck’s purchase of the
land, and planned the trail with ADA-wheelchair accessibility in mind. The
trail, now a reality, is paved with small stones, and winds around the incline,
so those using wheelchairs can go to the river. Planting of the Garden and
Trail in 2016-17 included fragrant native flowers and plants, such as Joe Pye
Weed and Bergamot, as well a butterfly garden.  

Master Gardeners are needed to volunteer their expertise in invasive
plant identification and control, water edge planting, native plant propagation
and trail maintenance. If you would like volunteer experiences on this site,
contact Richard Karp,   

An article about Mary's design of the Library Garden Space with the Garden Club of Teaneck Mary Topolsky Talks about Her Pathway to Landscape Design

June 2010

The Garden Club of Teaneck is proud that Mary Topolsky is a member---and a very active one at that. She is a noted garden designer who has created gardens throughout the United States and Canada, as well as right here in Teaneck, NJ. Her interest in landscape horticulture did not spring full blown into action. Mary lived in Brooklyn, NY, where her back yard was Prospect Park, with the cherry trees, greenhouse and Japanese maples impressing her as a youngster. She was raised in public gardens where “you looked but
didn’t touch.

Mary moved to Teaneck “44 years ago this month” and
had her first summer with the garden left behind by the previous owners. “Everything was fine the first summer!”
here was a fig tree in residence, as well as her young children. At that time,
Mary lived a whirlwind life working as a fundraiser and pursuing an advanced degree
in political science. Her garden would evolve into different landscapes over
the years as Mary’s curiosity and experience grew. Her joys of gardening include “solitude; solace.” She went to
 retail nurseries where “retail therapy was so nice!” And so her garden grew into a perennial display, lined with pathways among seasonal blooms. Now, in early April, emerging Chinese peonies and daffodils competed for attention with the spectacular deep pink Hellebores.

Her move to the New York Botanical Garden was jump-started by attending an open house, where she showed a picture of her garden to Susan Cohen, head of the Landscape Design department. Susan said,” You don’t
need us!
” Mary related that she did need the classes and enrolled in the
Landscape Design Program. After two years of study, Mary was awarded a
certificate in Landscape Design from the New York Botanical Garden, and is
trained to design Formal and English cottage styles, among others. She now
includes native flower gardens in her repertoire.

Mary outlined for readers the kinds of classes a landscape designer takes. “There are technical classes---to figure out what to
place where it would fit after it grew. A tree may grow 18 feet wide and you
need to think of that. You transfer a yard to a piece of paper---a plan, with
the plants drawn to scale.”
How about the kinds of plants used in the
design? “For that, you do classes research.
One of the sources is Manual of Woody Landscape Plants by Michael A.
Dirr. You also learn to read a catalog to
select and buy plants.”

Her inspiration for garden design comes from “travel---seeing
Among her favorites are the gardens of Kyoto, Japan, which display” asymmetry, restfulness, subtlety, symbolism---there
is no glaring color: they even trim azalea bushes so they will not bloom.”
has been most challenging? “The groundhogs near the river” (where she designed a garden) have been a definite problem."

A local garden that Mary designed that all readers can see is the Teaneck Municipal Library border, which circles the library. “The design for the two beds is seasonal in theme. From the old Library entrance (facing Teaneck Road), you can see an autumn theme with three ilax verticillatas (winterberry), a Hamamelis ’Diane’ (witch hazel ), and a Cornus ‘Ivory halo’ (dogwood.) Grasses and sedum (‘Autumn Joy’) are interspersed for a glorious display of red berries and twigs with golden grasses to set it off. The other bed facing the
Library parking lot is dedicated to spring and summer. It was built on a group
of existing azaleas dedicated to a library associate, Shirley Bloom. We added
five azaleas, three hydrangeas (‘Endless
Summer’,) a ‘Knockout’® rose, and a Viburnum ‘carlesii’. To create a vertical element, Cercis canadensis ‘Lavender Twist’ (redbud tree) was placed towards the rear. Transplanted daylilies were interspersed throughout.

This year look for some peonies and

Mary is also active on community environmental boards, including the Hackensack River Greenway Advisory Board, Friends of the Hackensack River Greenway Through Teaneck nd the Garden Conservancy. Her class on gardening ” Zoomin’ Bloomins” will be taught at the Community School of Teaneck on April 25th and May 2nd. Call the Community School at (201) 833-5514 for more information about her classes.

June 2010

 By Patricia O’Brien Libutti 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Van Saun Park Garden: Tip Sheets for 35 Herbs


BELOW: MAP AS OF 07/03/2017


The tip sheets are those I have used before, and represent a wide variety of herb information on the Internet. I was looking for those that had propagation information as well as showing a good condensing of information on the particular herb.

Light requirements vary across the plant group. The majority of Mediterranean herbs flourish in full sun. Some others, such as the Mints, do well in sun, but also in partial shade.

Harvesting and  pruning are needed for the plants to appear healthy. Pinch the top of the plant, check for new growth. The plant should be bushy rather than growing in a vertical line.

Watering: get the water to the roots, not the leaves. Many plants have sparse watering requirements. Others can do with a bit of extra water. These tip sheets include that information for each herb.

Soil: The NJ Rutgers study confirmed that this garden has soil  is within vegetable growing limits, slightly acidic. The analysis included not adding lime as a buffer. Some of the plants need amending for drainage, perhaps with sand (Mint, many of the Mediterranean herbs. Woodland herbs Bayberry, Columbine, for instance might use a compost dressing. Look at the pertinent tip sheet per plant,


(together with some  comments used in the children's flyer)

Angelica (Angelica archangelica)
Aroma from chemical furocoumarin, makes skin sensitive to light. Treatment of loss of appetite. C, M
When sweetened with sugar crystals, makes a delicate candy.

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
has an anise flavor. Italy, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos feature it in their cooking. Basil has many medicinal  uses. C, M. Basil is used in tomato and pesto-sauces.

has a more peppery taste. It will withstand drier conditions better, but yellow color is the warning sign of water stress. Do not soak. Both of these plants need pinching often to remove flowers and to prevent straggly growth. If this does not happen, Basil has a shorter life. July 22 is their peak for developing essential oils. After that, supposedly, the flavor declines. But you can eat it till late in summer, it will still have a flavor.

Bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica ) can tolerate some wetter conditions. It is growing well. Depending on space needs, this can grow vertically or you can bush it out with slight pruning. Careful---it can get to be over ten feet.

Chamomile, Roman (Chamaemelum nobilis )
Perennial, low growing, flowers next May-June. It has been spread over a square in five plantings. It should merge in the next few months. Water moderately, divide when the plants are matted.  GET NEW ONE

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) Chives come up each spring, by June, produce purple blossoms. Deadhead. Divide the chives if the center of the plant looks dead. Water moderately. Dress side of the plants with rich soil.

Columbine (Aquilegi ) was used by Native Americans as internal medicine. The seeds have come at this time. There are two plants in # 35, both rooted. They will proliferate. Be areful not to overwater, this is the moistest spot in the garden. › Ornamental Gardens › Flowers › Columbine

Curry plant (Helichrysum italicum) smells  like a  spicy Indian dinner---but it is not! Annual, replace. Water 2 times a week to keep the oils that provide the aroma.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare dulce Leaves and seeds flavor food; seeds are used as a digestive aid. P, C, M, O. Has a licorice-y taste. This seedling is making it. It has set down a root that will turn into a large bulb, maybe not this season but eventually. A Mediterranean herb, do not soak it, just water the bulb root area about 2x a week. To protect it while it is growing, you might want to surround it with light mulch.

Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) It had many symbolic uses in the Bible. It is used for decoration (purple blue flowers). Deer resistance, as well as for "anything else that ails you).
Hyssop is planted from seed and divides in easily, it has a tap root. Mediterranean herb, water moderately. If this division planted does not take, there is one more time to do it: in the fall. P, M, S, C.

(False) Indigo (Baptisia) was used to dye fabrics blue. Native plant, has brilliant blue flowers. They should emerge next year. Trim down at end of season. Transplanting of Baptisia is always fragile, this was done latte spring. Keep moist, not soaking wet
Indigo was used to dye fabrics blue

Lavender (Lavendulla augustifolia) was used as a sachet filler, a mouthwash, a housecleaning wash, an antidepressant, and to flavor sugar. P, M,C,D.
Does not mind being a bit dry. It is at its peak flowering in June-early July. Take a look at the stems ---check for bugs in the wood. You can cut back a bit after the flowering. In very early fall, a member can try propagating through soft wood methods.

is used in Asian cooking, has flavors of lemon and rose. This plant after separation, will be taken to the Greenhouse, some to member's homes. Just let it expand. End of summer, dig up and separate bulbs. You can cut the ends like scallions for seasoning fish or chicken or floating in soup. Chop the leaves off for tea or to dry for an aromatic sachet or potpourri. Make sure you save about four bulbs with about 6 to 8 inch stem to pot up for next year's plantings. Keep inside in winter. Water occasionally.

Lemon thyme (Thymus x citriodus). It is a different kind than the thyme on the left side of the garden. Divide at end of summer.
C, M.

Lemon verbena  (Aloysia citrodora) Used as flavoring in  medicinal teas, pastries, and  candies C, Sc, M. It is from South America. It needs moderate water. Not on leaves. You can prune the branch ends about 6 inches, that should promote some growth.

Marjoram (Origanum majorana) Often used with the French herb mixes, such as fines herbes. P, C, M.Marjoram is used in French cooking in herbes de Provence. Cut back to harvest: end of leaves.

Mints: All these mints are used in teas. (17) Chocolate Mint, (18) Apple Mint, (19) Pennyroyal, (20) Spearmint.

Care of the mints: (Mentha spicate, Spearmint, Mentha picate, Peppermint).Mentha x spicata

‘Chocolate mint’), Chocolate mint (Mentha x spicata

 ‘Chocolate mint’), Pennyroyal, Mentha pulagium, Pennyroyal.  Used as flavorings and for medicinal and regular teas. They have been naturalized  for over 300 years, having come from Europe with colonialists. Mints tend to escape your garden. Contain them. They make a bracing tea ,a home remedy for what ails the stomach. Spearmint has a sweet taste. Peppermint is generally energizing. which were used in similar ways. P, M, C. All four follow roughly the same pattern for watering and propagating.

Pennyroyal (19) is the new one, not for tea, only decorative. they’ll need moisture, but not sogginess. Cut them back often to get a bushy shape. Try one to two inches since these are short ---look for leaf regrowth. To propagate mint in water, cut a four to six inch stem, cut right below a leaf node can be put in water. It should show roots in a week. Wait till there are several roots before potting.

Chocolate mint


Mountain mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum ). Native herb, used to treat nosebleeds. Mountain mint has flourished. It needs weeding no matter how pretty the purple flower is. It needs to be divided.

If division is needed. Don't pull the clumps apart until flowering is over. It lasts a long time---think late August for division. Plant clumps at least 9 inches to a foot apart. The leftover clumps can go to other areas of the park. Water moderately: 2 times a week

Oregano (Origanum vulgare) used In cuisines worldwide. In the past, used for respiratory ailments. P, C, M Mediterranean herb, arid soil, don’t waterlog.

Parsley (Petroselinum hortense) Part of bouquet garni, used as garnish, attracts Black Swallowtail butterflies, used as a digestive aid. B, C, M, It is breath fresheners for people ---and for dogs, too. Parsley needs to be replenished each year, it is a biennial. This year's crop shows water stress. New leaves should be green.

Rose (Rosa) is an herb, used for fragrance.

Russian tarragon  (Artemisia dracunculoides Pursch ) is a native of Siberia. It makes a good yard plant, but not a dinner flavoring. Russian tarragon has taken, although It is a small stand. There were 2 four packs planted. Watch for its emergence next year.

Sage  (Salvia officinalis) It was used as a diuretic, an astringent  and  a culinary herb to  flavor meats. The leaves were used in medical applications.  P, M, C.
Water sparingly at roots, not on leaves. Harvest no more than 1/10 of plant at a time, removing by leaf at node. Harvest again upon regrowth. To make it bushy, prune evenly. This plant is the third sage in three years.

Salad burnet (Sangiborus minor) is a very resilient plant---you will find leaves in the winter! It has a slight cucumber taste. There are two plantlets there. Use care with watering and these should grow and produce flowers. In early spring, you will find "volunteers" in its areas. Save some to be raised.


Santolina (Santolina rosmarinifolia) (green)is used to get rid of insects. Cut 3 inch stems and place in soil for propagation.  and

Savory (Summer) (Satureja hortensis). This plant will need to be reseeded each year (annual) Use the tips of the leaves. Water carefully, the plant is on a slight incline

Scented  geranium Old fashioned rose (Pelargonium graveolens). Propagate by cutting, taken from top of plant. Edge of desert plant-less than moderate watering, not leaves.

Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum odoratum ‘Variegatum’) used by Native Americans for medicine. Solomon's seal care: it will simply grow. It will probably get big enough to divide this year. If so, root the division in the center of the block. It will turn gold in the fall before becoming dormant. It grows well in woodland. Was originally placed in the shade of the fennel. See if the micro-climate change (removal of large fennel affects the growth of the plant, there is less shade.)

Sweet cicely (Myrhis oderata) Sweet cicely has a very pleasant aroma and blooms in the middle of spring with small white blossoms. It does well in sun or part shade, the latter being where it is located in the Garden. All parts can be used to make food, from sugar to spinach like vegetable. Water about an inch a week, just to keep soil moist.

Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) is a companion plant, repelling pests. One of four herbs in fines herbes. C, It means "small dragon" in Latin. Look at its leaf shape! Tarragon care at VS: Harvest enough to keep young leaves growing. This plant was cut too far back last year, what is here now probably has a fragile root system, a liability for this plant. If the roots are dislodged, the plant has trouble. If it grows to 12 inches, a very small harvest can be taken--1 to 2 inches. Monitor for leaf regrowth. In the fall, mulch the plant.
Water roots, not leaves, no power spray, 2 or less times a week

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris ) Versatile

culinary herb that was used  to flavor  eggs and meat, and used as an insect repellent. Used to treat coughs. P, C, M.
For now---spare with water, do not dowse. This plant, like Rosemary, does better in dry conditions. When the flowers are spent, this needs to be harvested for promotion of growth. Cut back 2 to 3 inches.

Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile )
Roman chamomile is planted in the garden.


Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) Many medicinal applications over time. Eaten as a pot herb. Yarrow is used to make a yellow dye for cloth. Used to control erosion. Caution about use. A, C, M

 Thin out, the roots crowd out the ensuing plant.   and